Elevating Individuals and Organizations to Succeed in their Businesses

Quality Customer Service Training

Why Customer Service?

Customer service is of utmost importance when it comes to growing your business as organisations interact with customers almost on daily basis. Your business lies in customers’ hands, therefore customer service matters the most. Interactions with customers can either make or break your relationship with the people most vital to your success. Good customer service builds loyalty.

About us

CSPA is a registered professional body, the foremost Customer Service training consultancy in Zimbabwe. The Academy offers customer service consultancy and training to help organisations succeed in their business.

We exists to support the systems and development of customer service professionals by providing superior quality, relevant and cost effective customer service training and coaching. The professional body is for customer service professionals who are seeking to develop international best practices in customer service delivery standards, ethical conduct, high level of professionalism and superior interactions with customers.

Customer Service Professionals Academy was founded to support the development, nationally and regionally, internationally of the best practices in customer service. To this end, CSPA aims to help organisations and individual succeed in today’s customer driven world, to ensure that companies and individuals maintain their competitive edge through training that can deliver world class service consistently. We as a professional body, draws on the expertise of a cadre of world-class trainers.

Customer Service Professionals Academy Zimbabwe

We have the capacity to train any number of employees in a well-equipped lecture rooms.

There are unique advantages of hiring Customer Service Professionals Academy (CSPA) as your training and management consultants. CSPA’S core business is customer service development and training, hence coming with a reservoir of intellectual property in customer service. Our suite of certification includes customer service professional.

Our Vision

Is to empower organizations, employees or individuals to become customer service professionals that will help them lead successful in their businesses.

Upcoming Events

CSPA Calender of Events



Customer Service Essential Skills Training: ALL Frontline Employees

08:00 - 17:00
Cresta Lodge
Cnr Samora Machel
& Robert Mugabe Rd
USD $280

Investment Includes lunch, teas, refreshments, stationery, venue, cordials and certificates.

Customer Service Essentials Skills Training: ALL Frontline Employees

In-house training programs

Getting Started with
Customer Service


Proven Strategies
for Handling Customer


Professionalism on the


Communication Strategies
for Building
Client Relationships


Our Services

We have the capacity to train any number of employees
We bring training to your own facility to keep your team intact
Saving your staff time away from the office and other costs

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